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theBeat 2.0

· One min read
Victor Tran
Victor Tran

Hey everyone,

theBeat 2.0 is now available! This release of theBeat comes with many new features, including

  • Artist and Album view
  • New animations when switching between panes
  • Better Playlist management
  • Improved Media Listing
  • Album Art support
  • New buttons to automatically add all visible music to the playlist
  • New Visualisation called Bars

This release also fixes a few bugs:

  • The MPRIS PropertyChanged D-Bus event will only be sent when properties are changed so KDE Connect won't cause your phone to heat up any more

CD Playback is almost ready! We expect to have CD playback in the next version. Stay tuned for that!

You can see install instructions for theBeat here. If you're using Arch Linux, it's available as thebeat on the AUR and on my repository.

As always, if you happen to find a bug, please file a bug report on GitHub.

Victor :)